Set a SMART Goal

Looking to make some changes or accomplish something you have been wanting to do? Goal setting is just the thing to help make that happen. When we investigate the process of goal setting, it can quickly become overwhelming with all the possible steps to take. Do not fret, we can help; let’s talk about SMART goals.

Thinking SMART will help us easily view 5 important parts of setting a goal:


Make sure your outcome/objective is clearly and specifically defined. 


Identify how you will measure your goals—what metric will you use to show you have reached the desired result? 


The effort put forth might be difficult but not impossible considering current abilities/situation.


You want your goal to be rooted in your current reality and not a dream that has little chance of being accomplished due to unrealistic expectations.


Help keep focus and movement by having a target date or deadline to achieve success or to reassess. 

Get started

An example of a SMART goal for waking up earlier would like like this:

Specific: I want to wake up earlier to have more time for my morning routine.
Measurable: I’ll track how many times I snooze my alarm and when I finish my morning routine.
Attainable: My schedule allows me to go to sleep early, so I can still maintain at least eight hours of sleep.
Relevant: I feel rushed trying to get to work each day. Developing better sleep hygiene would help me feel calm.
Time: In four weeks, I want to wake up two hours earlier than when I usually wake up now.

Find a comfy space, grab your computer—or pen and paper (whatever feels comfortable) and take some time to create your SMART goal(s). The end results will be unique to you and will help guide you to success; do not give up, remember you can always reassess if needed.

If you need additional support to help you determine and achieve your goals, Family Houston services include Community Support, Mental Health Counseling, Employment Coaching, and Financial Coaching. We are here to help.