Modalities are approaches or methods that a therapist uses to help you reach your goals. They fall into broad categories, such as cognitive and...
Breaking The Stigma
The Importance of Mental Health Counseling By Jessica Cisneros, Chief Clinical Officer According to the Surgeon General, our country is facing an...
Holiday Self-Care Prep
Holidays Hold Diverse Meanings Our clients have shared a range of experiences about how the holidays impact them. For some, they represent a joyful...
Suicide Awareness Month
September is National Suicide Awareness Month According to the CDC, 49,449 people died by suicide in 2022 - a record-breaking number. With the rise...
Tips For Teachers
Family Houston has been serving the Greater Houston community for more than 100 years and has established itself as a premiere mental health...
In 2008 Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month was created by congress to enhance public awareness of mental illness,...
Calm Down
Has there ever been a time when someone experiencing anxiety has been told to “calm down” and that actually worked? Absolutely not. Anxiety is a...
Happy and Healthy Relationship Tips
What are the characteristics of a healthy relationship? No abusive behavior (emotional, gaslighting or physical). Resolving conflict using healthy...
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
What is Autism? Autism is a developmental disorder that typically impacts an individual’s ability to communicate and interact with others. It is...
Q&A with Senior Clinician Pierre Mata
Divorce can be an uncomfortable subject that people don’t like talking about, but it’s important nonetheless and something over two million people...
Informacion sobre TEPT
¿QUÉ ES EL TEPT? Trastorno de Estrés Post-Traumático se considera un trastorno de la no recuperación, lo que significa que los clientes pueden...
About PTSD
WHat IS PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder is considered a disorder of non-recovery, meaning that clients can recover from traumatic events, but...
How Jill Manages Her Anxiety
Meet Jill Jill was a previous Family Houston client who sought help again during COVID-19 as she was overcome by nervousness, anxiety, and panic....
School in the age of COVID-19
Daily routines for children and adults have drastically changed over the last few months due COVID-19. Health precautions and social distancing...
Understanding ADHD
WHAT IS ADHD?ADHD stands for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. It is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. WHO...
PTSD in Veterans
How Veterans Can Get Help to Combat PTSD Bringing awareness to mental health disorders can provide veterans with the help they need through a...
Teen Dating Violence (TDV)
Teen Dating Violence (TDV) TDV is a type of intimate partner violence and can occur in one of 4 ways: Physical violence Sexual violence...
The Only New Year’s Resolution You Need
We have all heard the phrase “new year, new you.” A new year often comes with new resolutions, goals, and dreams, but that can also cause...
When Your Child Says “No” to College
Every parent wants the best for their child. They spend 18 years preparing their children for the world after high school. Many expect their child...
Suicide Prevention – Why it Matters and What You Can Do
Adrian Lira, Clinical Director at Family Houston Every 12 minutes someone dies of suicide in the United States which has caused it to become the...
recursos de salud mental
Provides a family with health or basic needs assistance
Provides a counseling session for two school aged children