The Importance of Mental Health Counseling

By Jessica Cisneros, Chief Clinical Officer

According to the Surgeon General, our country is facing an unprecedented mental health crisis. The crisis isn’t just affecting adults; it’s devastating young people and people from every background. For many people asking for help is very difficult; the mere thought of seeking counseling services does not occur to people or is quickly dismissed.  May is Mental Health Awareness month, and Family Houston is committed to making Mental Health support as simple as possible. We are here to tell you to give it a try!  The benefits truly make a difference in your overall well-being, as counseling services have lasting effects on your overall health. 


“One in 5 people will experience a mental health condition in any given year, and everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health.” – Mental Health America

My Experience

Believe it or not, it was challenging for me to seek help despite my years of experience in this field. I deeply value and believe in our work and recognize the benefits of counseling. However, culturally, I was raised to believe that I should handle things independently, particularly because I’m the eldest of two children. I was accustomed to being the go-to person, always striving to improve situations—a helper mindset is what led me into this field. I believed that practicing self-care would resolve everything. My way of handling stress and problems has always been to rely on keeping busy and accomplishing tasks to manage stress. I found immediate relief in aiding others, yet I failed to recognize my own need for assistance.

But this approach didn’t work when a significant illness affected my family. Amidst fear for my loved one, I took charge, unaware of how stress was affecting my own health. It was then that I realized I couldn’t navigate this alone and sought counseling. During my first session, I felt instant relief, discovering someone truly empathetic who guided me toward genuine self-care. Having a safe space to express emotions without judgment was profoundly healing. From my own journey, I can attest that speaking with a counselor can be life-changing.

“Unfortunately, mental illness still comes with a stigma in our society, and it leads to people not seeking the help they need,” Karen Jacobs, Psychiatrist, Cleveland Clinic

When to Get Help

It’s important to understand that you don’t always have to have a major event happen to seek services.  Being stressed, feeling overwhelmed, trying to manage several roles in your life can leave you feeling exhausted and can all be indicators that you could benefit from talking to a counselor.  In children, any changes in sleep and/or eating patterns, changes in behavior, and/or lack of focus can also be indicators that counseling can help.

How We Can Help

Family Houston counselors help you process your emotions so that you can focus clearly on your life goals. Our counselors are licensed in the state of Texas as Licensed Professional Counselors, Clinical Social Workers, or Marriage and Family Therapists or are working towards full licensure. We offer telehealth or in-person services. 

After listening to your presenting concerns, we will work with you to establish treatment goals and explore what coping skills and techniques work best for you. Our counselors will adjust to your needs to identify which therapeutic modality will have the most impact on you. 

You can learn more about Family Houston Counselors and even determine who you prefer to work with in advance. 


“I am proud that our counselors respect and admire all clients. We thank them for choosing and trusting us.” – Ken Sheirr, President & CEO 

Getting Started

Taking that first step to call might feel a little scary, but please know that we provide a safe, caring, and confidential space for you to open up without any fears. Here’s how you can get started with counseling at Family Houston: 

  1. Find out if your employer has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  Many people do not realize that EAP can provide a specific amount of sessions at either no cost or a lower cost. Having your medical insurance information ready before you call is important.  
  2. For those who do not have an  EAP or medical insurance, we use a sliding scale that’s customized to your household size and income to determine a fee. Our goal is to make counseling affordable for all so this does not become an additional stressor when you need help.
  3. Set up an appointment with one of our professional counselors. 
  4. Once the appointment is set up, we will send intake paperwork to fill out before the appointment. 
  5. Attend your first session. We know this might be scary, but remember our counselors are trained to help guide you towards sharing what you feel comfortable processing and adjusting based on what you need.  We value the vulnerability it takes to seek help. 

If you are still unsure if counseling is right for you, please contact us. One of our Clinical Interns can discuss the process with you and help you make a decision. Simply let us know if you would like more information about how counseling works. 

Family Houston aims to create a stronger community for tomorrow by helping individuals and families meet the challenges they face today. We provide services in three key areas: Mental Health: Counseling, Financial Stability, and Community Support Services.  Family Houston’s counselors, financial and employment coaches, and community support specialists help strengthen families – leading to a healthier, more stable community.

Getting Started

Taking that first step to call might feel a little scary, but please know that we provide a safe, caring, and confidential space for you to open up without any fears. Here’s how you can get started with counseling at Family Houston: 

  1. Find out if your employer has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  Many people do not realize that EAP can provide a specific amount of sessions at either no cost or a lower cost. Having your medical insurance information ready before you call is important.  
  2. For those who do not have an  EAP or medical insurance, we use a sliding scale that’s customized to your household size and income to determine a fee. Our goal is to make counseling affordable for all so this does not become an additional stressor when you need help.
  3. Set up an appointment with one of our professional counselors. 
  4. Once the appointment is set up, we will send intake paperwork to fill out before the appointment. 
  5. Attend your first session. We know this might be scary, but remember our counselors are trained to help guide you towards sharing what you feel comfortable processing and adjusting based on what you need.  We value the vulnerability it takes to seek help. 

If you are still unsure if counseling is right for you, please contact us. One of our Clinical Interns can discuss the process with you and help you make a decision. Simply let us know if you would like more information about how counseling works. 

Family Houston aims to create a stronger community for tomorrow by helping individuals and families meet the challenges they face today. We provide services in three key areas: Mental Health: Counseling, Financial Stability, and Community Support Services.  Family Houston’s counselors, financial and employment coaches, and community support specialists help strengthen families – leading to a healthier, more stable community.

Emergency Resources

If you feel that you are in an emergency, please reach out to these emergency resources.

Call 911

The Harris Center

24 hour helpline at (713) 970-7000

Crisis Intervention Hotline

(832) 416-1177

Crisis Text Line

Text START to 741741

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


National Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799-7233