Family Houston was recently awarded a $300,000 grant for our veteran reintegration services. The grant is from the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) as part of the five million dollars they awarded to agencies in the greater Houston area who are committed to helping our veterans. Family Houston provides assistance to veterans and their families with emergency financial assistance, case management, and financial coaching. Some of the other agencies awarded funds include Harris County Community Services Department, Montgomery County Veterans Treatment Program, and Rebuilding Together Houston. There will be a press conference on August 14 at 10:00 am at Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston (Great Hall, 3303 Main St., Houston, TX 77002) with a check presentation. The media is invited to attend. For a full list of agencies awarded funds for the 2019-2020 year click here.
Family Houston Case Manager, Aleshia Tripps, says “Many of the veterans we see find themselves in a crisis, and just overwhelmed as many of us do. They are trying to find or keep work in order to provide for themselves and their families, while also taking care of their own medical needs and struggles with readjustment back into civilian life. With the TVC grant we can continue providing assistance with employment opportunities, rent and utilities, as well as helping them to create a budget and savings plan so they can move forward with a more stable life.”
For more information call 713-867-7780 or email [email protected].